What is Dynamic Zero?

An ancient mural featuring Cassandra of Troy being brought before her father Priam by Ajax for prophesying the fall of T
A mural of Ajax in Troy dragging Cassandra from Palladium before eyes of Priam.

Dynamic Zero is a new online publication connecting the lived experience of people and communities in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to theory for resistance and organizing for a better world. You are invited to contribute!

We aim to be a forum for the COVID-conscious left to debate strategy and tactics with itself. What sets us apart from similar platforms is our distinctive emphasis on the comprehensive, interconnected material harms inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a socialist publication that centers the most vulnerable among us, especially in the context of the fight to end all forms of oppression and exploitation once and for all. We are a community offering a systemic, socialist perspective of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond—we have the vision to see the comprehensive interconnection of the forces in tension tossing us from wave to wave, leaving many of us adrift and alone.

The anti-COVID-19 movement is fractured and only starting to coalesce. Major activist organizations are not giving the issue sufficient attention despite its gravity. The ongoing pandemic will determine the trajectory of society for the foreseeable future. There is a divergence, though not complete, between people and organizations that are literate in hard science and socialist politics. Very few organizations are both explicitly socialist and are attacking the issue directly. Most COVID-19 activism fails to recognize the deep interconnections within the tactics of the capitalist system. Additionally, most COVID-19 activism takes place online due to a number of factors.

This is a publication managed by SCORE (Socialist Covid-19 Organizing, Resistance, and Education). We have an elected editorial board with a charter and standards and practices. Anyone in SCORE can be an editor and all editors must be members of SCORE, with some limitations on holding a leadership role within both organizations.

We would love to hear from any community members who want to share their experiences and investigations. You are welcome to read and accept our points of unity and join the organization, but you do not need to join to submit an article. Dynamic Zero does not own your work and the published edition is subject to author’s approval.

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